Tuesday, December 14, 2010

77 days and counting.

Today's lunch.

Today's lunch: Mixed grains and rice, stinky bean stew, mixed and fried chicken and vegetables, simmered seaweed a.k.a. steamed green beans, and cabbage kimchi. (급식내용: 잡곡밥, 청국장찌개, 닭고기야채볶음, 미역줄기조림, 배추김치.) Approximate value: $1.00 (1,200 Won).

Throughout the first few months in Korea, the lunches cooked at school seemed diverse and delicious. Although I was more than pleased at each meal, my Korean coworkers were always a little disappointed with the menu items. At first, I couldn't really understand why, but after almost 16 months, 5 meals each week, I've become less excited. This is not to say the lunches are bad, they're still nutritious and delicious. The problem is, I've tasted most of the items in restaurants, and have come to expect the same from the school kitchen.

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