Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Reflections from a week on the road.

In anticipating this trip, it was hard to fully comprehend all the details of a life on the road. Where to sleep, what to eat, how many miles to ride; basically, how to sustain a demanding and challenging lifestyle such as this for an extended period of time. After successfully living through a week on the road, many of the same questions remain, but have also been answered. These questions mostly still remain day to day, but the discomfort of the uncertainties has diminished through experience. Also, a new variable has introduced itself; the true enormity of this country from the perspective of a human powered vessel. It's feasible to ride, eat, sleep for numberless days, but how much can one really take? Some individuals can withstand multiple years, only time will tell what Kane, Dan, and myself can tolerate.

1 comment:

  1. Between the beard and the plaid, I'm becoming suspicious; do those bicycles have brakes?
