Tuesday, February 1, 2011

28 days and counting.

The good kind.

According to the Gregorian calendar, the new year has begun; according to the moon, the new year begins on Thursday. For practical purposes, Korean society operates according to the Gregorian calendar, but 설날 (Seolnal) is still celebrated throughout the country, and many other parts of Asia. The gift giving tradition in Korean society is strong, especially during holidays like 설날 and 추석 (Chuseok). The tradition of giving may have originated with simple homemade or farmed goods for family and neighbors. However, for modern Korea, the gifts have become commercialized, most commonly presented in the form of gift sets. Many consumables are specially packaged into sets; from hygiene products, to produce, to liquor, to dried fish. Among the top sellers are SPAM and Korean ginseng.

1 comment:

  1. because nothing says happy new year like a nice set of matched spam????
